Eligible Players
Players must be born between 5/1/2012 - 4/30/2014.
Players must provide their own glove. Bats and helmets will be available, but players are permitted to bring their own. Plastic cleats are encouraged.
Players must be registered for the Springfield Athletic Association annual membership fee.
The $50 fee is imposed for additional Umpire costs.
League Specifications
Games will consist of a short warmup and games on Saturdays.
Games will consist of six (6) innings.
Base paths are 70' and the mound is 50' feet from home plate.
Games are played at Netherwood Fields.
Season Dates
The season typically runs April through June.
Season Expectations
Players will learn competitive thinking, pitch placement, fielding adjustments, and teamwork in preparation for Legion or higher levels of competitive baseball.
Practices will be throughout the week as schedules allow.
Teammate Requests
While not guaranteed, teammate requests will be considered by each player requesting a similar coach. If you don't know a coach, please consider volunteering.
Matt Weachter