Eligible Players
Players must be in Kindergarten through 8th Grade during the 2025/26 school year.
Wrestlers must have headgear and wrestling shoes and optional mouthpiece. Singlet will be provided. Warmups will be made available to purchase through an online store.
Players must be registered for the Springfield Athletic Association annual membership fee.
Travel fee of $90.00.
League Specifications
Practices will be held throughout the week with meets on Saturdays. There will be optional tournaments available on Sundays.
Practices and home meets will be at E.T. Richardson Middle School.
Away meets are held at various locations in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Season Dates
The season runs from November through March.
Season Expectations
Wrestlers are broken down by age, weight, and experience.
Wrestlers will be expected to meet the demands of a highly disciplined and structured practice schedule in order to enhance their technique, cardiovascular endurance, and mental toughness.
Mike Gildea